Mechanical System: Central Water-Cooled Chilled Water and Distribution, DX Coil Split/Multi Air Conditioning, General Ventilation, Central Ventilation by Dedicated Outdoor Air Units, Parking Garage Ventilation, Stair Pressurization System, Smoke Control System for Corridor and Atriums, Medical Gas
Electrical and Communication System: HV/LV and Distribution, Essential/Emergency Power Back-up (Generator), Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS), Lighting and Power, System/Equipment Grounding and Lightning Protection, Telephone, Computer Cabling, Fire Alarm, MATV, Public Address, CCTV, Access Control, Intrusion Alarm, Guard Tour, Master Clock, Building Management and Control System
Plumbing and Fire Protection System: Cold Water and Distribution, Hot Water and Distribution, Waste Water and Sewage, Storm Drainage,
Water Treatment and Recycle Water, Automatic Fire Sprinkler,
Standpipe/Fire Hydrant, Special Hazard Fire Suppression